Saturday, August 23, 2014


Every parting is a form of death, as every reunion is a type of heaven. 

                                                                                                       ~Tryon Edwards

Tryon Edwards had it right.

Just 3 weeks after our son Nate left for a two year mission in Taiwan (stab, die) our daughter Megan returned from 18 months in Argentina. 

Heaven is what it is. Times a hundred.

The best kept secret of all is how much a mother will miss her child when they leave, sometimes traveling as far away from home as earth will allow, like East Asia. 

They do it to tell people what source they can look to for the hope, peace and belonging they may never have known before... through the restored gospel of Jesus Christ. It is His name and His Power they bear. 

And they do find many people. And many hear the call and change for good through Jesus Christ. And no one changes as much to my eyes as the missionary. 

This is so worth it! 

Welcome home beautiful Megan Maus.

Megan's first week home